Evaluation & strategy

In the run-up to corporate transactions, there are always strategic considerations that need to be discussed and responded to. We are in a position to discuss such strategy and implementation issues with your team, contributing our market and consulting expertise while offering methods for developing solutions and ensuring the transparency of the decisions taken. 

We perform market analyses as preparation for both envisaged company disposals and planned business acquisitions. These serve as a basis for deciding whether it makes sense to initiate the transaction process at all. Depending on the specific requirements involved, we can carry out different levels of analysis, from a general assessment of the market to the identification of specific company profiles. To do this, we utilise a variety of resources, including our access to up-to-date databases with global coverage and our personal network of investors and decision-makers.
Marktanalyse und -Recherche
In der Entwicklung eines Unternehmens kann es Phasen geben, in denen neue strategische Optionen ermittelt und analysiert werden müssen. Beispielsweise aufgrund externer Faktoren wie neuer Markttrends oder einem veränderten Wettbewerbsumfeld, aber auch aufgrund interner Faktoren wie einem beabsichtigten Unternehmensverkauf, einer Buy and Build Strategie oder einer geänderten Finanzierungsstruktur. Aufgrund unseres Verständnisses von verschiedenen Geschäftsmodellen in Verbindung mit der spezifischen operativen und finanziellen Unternehmenssituation sind wir in der Lage, strategische Optionen zu analysieren und zu bewerten und auch entsprechende Handlungsempfehlungen zu geben. Dabei legen wir großen Wert auf die Umsetzung und Machbarkeit und die damit verbundene Nutzensteigerung.
Strategische Optionen
Due to each business’s uniqueness and complexity, there may be different ways to increase a company’s value in the run-up to a planned disposal. By this, we mean not only maximising its profitability but also a range of other crucial factors. One example might involve drawing up an opportunity/risk profile of the business that would benefit a potential buyer. Frequently, it is about improving and optimising the interplay of operational and financial criteria. Thanks to our many years of experience with buyers and investors and the knowledge we have gained of factors that add value in the decision-making process, we can identify the potential in advance of a disposal and recommend appropriate measures. Our goal is to maximise the company’s value when it is sold.
Evaluierung Wertsteigerungspotential
