Bespoke solutions for all transactions.

Transactions are among the most complex topics in the business environment as each and every transaction is determined by the particular corporate and market situation involved. This means that approaches that have been tried and tested in the past are not timeless but must always be validated or elaborated anew. We support our clients through the entire transaction process from the initial idea through to concrete implementation. As buying or selling companies or equity interests is not part of the day-to-day business of shareholders and managing directors, it is essential to consult process experts. In each project, we take into account the special features of the sector and the situation individually. We pay particular attention to the interests of the shareholders, whom we accompany professionally throughout the entire transaction. 

Successor generations frequently decide to take career paths outside the family-owned business. Corporate succession planning has therefore become a vital task, as much is at stake: the future of your own company. Alongside purely economic factors, tax, corporate law and emotional aspects are often important in succession planning. As succession specialists, we collaborate closely with accountants, lawyers and tax advisers as house advisors to shareholders and businesses; where necessary, we can also call on our own network of specialists. We use the utmost discretion to find suitable partners who take into account the interests of the shareholders on an equal footing and offer the family business and its employees attractive prospects. The aim is to ensure both the successful continuation and further positive development of the company and the satisfaction of our clients.
benten capital berät bei Unternehmenskäufen und -verkäufen für Mandanten aus dem Mittelstand, Familienunternehmen, Konzerne und Finanzinvestoren. Transaktionen sind komplex und verlangen individuelle Lösungen. Wir begleiten unsere Mandanten vollumfänglich über den gesamten Prozess, von der Vorbereitung der Transaktion bis zu deren erfolgreichem Abschluss. Dieser strategische Prozessansatz führt nach unseren Erfahrungen zum größtmöglichen Erfolg. Wichtig ist vor allem eine strukturierte und systematische Vorgehensweise. Dazu gehören u.a. eine gründliche Analyse der spezifischen Unternehmens- und Marktsituation, eine sorgfältige Recherche potenzieller Erwerbsinteressenten und ein attraktives Informationsmemorandum. Bei der diskreten Kontaktaufnahme mit potenziellen Erwerbern, den Verkaufsgesprächen, der Due Diligence und den finalen Verhandlungen spielen primär sachliche, emotionale und taktische Elemente eine entscheidende Rolle. Hierbei sind insbesondere fachliche und soziale Kompetenz sowie Verhandlungsgeschick gefragt, entscheidend ist jedoch vor allem die Erfahrung des Beraters. Das Team von benten capital verfügt über entsprechende jahrelange Erfahrungen bei der Durchführung von Transaktionen.
Strategischer Unternehmensverkauf
Companies need additional capital both in growth situations and in phases of tight liquidity. If the bank commitment is not to be increased further, the expansion of the group of shareholders – possibly for a limited period of time – can be a relevant option that creates additional room for manoeuvre and opens up potential. Our aim is for the investor to be able to contribute strategic or operational added value beyond liquidity for the benefit of our client. In recent years, we have successfully supported numerous entrepreneurs in “raising capital with added value” (so-called “smart money”).
In addition to family-owned companies that want to organise their succession, groups or financial investors also put activities or business areas up for sale that are no longer part of the core business. Regardless of whether dependent units are to be sold (carve-out) or legally independent subsidiaries: we guide our clients through the entire process and place particular emphasis on transaction partners with strategic compatibility and “added value”. Bidding procedures generate an attractive purchase price, a high transaction probability and within the framework of a stringent, manageable process. Thanks to our experience, expertise and high level of digitalisation, we can carry out professional, efficient and successful investor processes in a short space of time.
Carve Out
If companies are faced with the task of expanding their business model, for example by embracing new technologies, addressing new customer groups or expanding their international presence, the acquisition of a company or business unit is a good option. Instead of building up new business areas in a capital-intensive, time-consuming and risky manner, it is generally preferable to acquire established companies that are already active in the targeted markets or technologies and to have a corresponding market position. It is crucial for the successful implementation of a buy-side strategy to have a clear objective to be pursued and realised with the acquisition. We therefore always conduct a comprehensive workshop at the start of an acquisition process. The workshop aims to analyse existing strategies and objectives in order to define a clear search strategy, taking into account secondary conditions or existing frictions, such as scarce management capacity or financial strength. As consultants specialising in medium-sized companies, we have decades of experience in discreetly approaching potential target companies. In addition to a feel for the situation in the target company, a professional demeanour and trustworthy communication are the key differentiators.
Buy Side
